Upcoming events:

2024 calendar

  • Broken Shell Beach Available Now. Book 3 in The Evie Series is here!
  • November 9th, 2024, Book Sale/Signing. Humboldt Holiday Mart (Humboldt, TN) 9 am-3 pm @ East Elementary
  • Other Events: TBD. Visit the contact me page for booking or event suggestions

My character, Evie, from The Evie Series hopefully will inspire you to “Be an Evie” to those around you. I pray that she not only shows you the importance of a strong relationship with the Father but how this relationship is vital to how you relate to others. A strong relationship with the Father allows you to pull from your experiences to inspire others to trust Him in their day to day comings and goings. He can help you maneuver new situations and new surroundings just like He does with Evie. Won’t you join me in my journey to “Be an Evie” to those around me? I encourage you to do the same.

So if the Son sets you free, you will indeed be free. John 8:36 NLT

The only guarantee for life everlasting is if you know the Son, Jesus Christ, on a relational level. Once you know Him, surrender your will so He can indeed set you free. Then, anchor yourself to Him and never let go!

Welcome! Thank you for dropping by. May the Lord bless you, be gracious to you, and give you peace all your days!

 -Anne Calvert              

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