Hot or Not

Hello, friends! What an incredible month it has been! Banderidge is out there, and people are loving it! I have heard such wonderful comments that I think my heart might burst. One reader said, “It has touched my heart in so many ways” and “I’ve become so engrossed with the characters, I found myself wanting to pray for them too.” My heart! To feel like someone else loves my people like I love my people is amazing! Another common comment is, “I am ready for book 2.” Well, good news! I am working on it as fast as I can. My editor at Shelley’s Editing Service will be ready in July, and I will deliver the goods to her. 

On April 23rd, Banderidge was celebrated! I was blessed by the turnout of friends and family. We ate cake, people got to visit, and I signed books like a real author. Haha! It was fun, and what an experience! The next day, my pastor was speaking on Advancing in Adversity, and I was able to share some of my testimony and hopefully encouraged some folks at The Hope Center. If interested, you can watch it here. I have set up two more book signings: one local and the other in Savannah, Tennessee. I am having fun and spreading the word of Jesus–what could be better? So I think you are caught up! If you want to see pics from the celebration, click here

Before I go, I want to share a little something with you. It is my desire to point people to Jesus, but I do not want it to stop there. I want to encourage people to seek Him, find out who He is for themselves, and what He wants for them. I am afraid too many people are missing the full life experience that Jesus talks about in John 10:10. He did the most so we are able to do more. Where would I be if I found Him, repented, then went about my life–doing it my way? I would have missed out on the awesome, fun journey He has me on. He has a plan for us that far exceeds what plans we have for ourselves. His plan=our purpose.

Recently I read a quote from Vance Havner. “Our Lord would have the Laodicean church be boiling and repentant. Some of us simmer all our lives and never come to a boil.” The Laodicean church was one of the seven churches written about in Revelations. When I read this quote the words that spoke to me were simmer and boil. Although I am not sure Mr. Havner meant it the same way, I started to think about our walk with Jesus and that if we meet Him and accept Him and stop there, we are just simmering. 

Think water. The water is warm, just kind of hanging out in the pot, not really doing anything. It could be used for something but not interested enough to give much effort. Then there is the boiling water. It is hot, rolling, and ready to do its job. It says, “Use me! I am ready!” That needs to be us as Christ-followers. We were not created to simmer; we were created to boil. His plan is for us to make a difference.

Be alert. Watch around you. God is moving. He is looking at the simmering pot and the boiling pot. For those who are boiling, get ready because He is ready to use you! 

Til next time…

Photo credit Melissa Santarsiero

6 thoughts on “Hot or Not”

  1. Love your analogies, Anne! So inspiring and uplifting as always!

    Love you,


  2. You got your point across well. Nicely written. Forceful but no hitting on the head with a hammer.

    1. Thank you. Nobody wants to be hit on the head with a hammer. That is not how God gets His message across, so I’m sure not going to do it that way 🙂

  3. Dorothy Childs

    I like you saying, be alert! watch! Where ever I am I see the beauty that God has given us. and I say Thank you Jesus. That is a frequent thought as I go about life. And I with a grateful heart say, Thank you Lord Jesus!

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