Let Your Jesus Show

Wow! I have missed you all! I have not talked to you since mid-November and I apologize. I could sling a bunch of excuses at you, but I will not do that; instead, I will share a little bit of what the last month looked like.

Shortly after my last blog, I announced I signed with Zoe Grace Publishing for my first novel. At that time my book was with my editor, Shelley Mascia of Shelley’s Editing Service. We do not have a release date, but a week ago Sunday I got my edits back, and finally, after my busiest week of the holiday season, I was able to start reviewing them. I am excited that I am one step closer to knowing a release date. I look forward to sharing that information soon. 

Last month was National Novel Writing Month, aka NaNoWriMo, and I won! Well, I wrote 50,409 words but did not complete book two. I still call it a win. I am so close to finishing the rough draft but want to focus on edits and getting book one out to you all. 

Wesley and I were able to participate in a couple of outreaches through the church we attend; beginning with the Thanksgiving food box give-away where the church provided 322 boxes to families in need. Although the night was cold, our hearts were warm. We were also able to help with Christmas on the Streets where we went to several streets in town to hand out gifts and stockings to 324 children. There were so many smiling faces, ours and theirs.

More December fun! My youngest spent a few days with us at the beginning of the month so we could celebrate her twenty-five-year milestone. She requested white chili so I made that and a banana split cake for dessert. So good! I got the church newsletter out on the 15th of the month (my self-imposed deadline each month). We celebrated Christmas with our care group at a fun-filled, food-filled party at our house. They are such a blessing to me! Then I finished up the week with our writer’s club Christmas party. Love that bunch of folks. There was so much more fun, but I will not bore you.

I wanted to catch you up a little so you did not think I was slouching. As I like to say to Wes, “I was not sitting by the pool/fire, eating Bonbons.” 

It has been a great month, but, finally, I have time to read, write, edit, and spend time with family, friends, and my pups. All the things I love. 

Before I go, I want to share this brief exchange that took place when I got out of the car at the dump the other day. I do not hang out at the dump, in case you are wondering. We live in the county so we “take our trash off.” 

“Hey, guys. How are ya?” 

One of the men working responded, “Doing good. You have a good personality.”

I said, “Thank you. I can tell you my secret.”

As I toss a bag into the compactor, he said, “What is that?”

I grabbed another bag. “Jesus.”


“Jesus. Jesus is the only way I have this personality.”

“Oh, Jesus. I see Jesus in you.”

“I sure hope so.”

“Well, any friend of Jesus is a friend of mine.”

Last bag, perfect timing. “Jesus is my best friend.”

The most beautiful compliment I can receive is someone seeing Jesus in me. It is all Him. We represent Jesus, and people should be able to see it. We want others to see what Jesus has done in us so they desire Him too. 

Friends, as we celebrate the birth of my Best Friend, the One who laid down His life for you and me, I ask you to read the Christmas story and reflect on the purpose of His birth. He came to earth so we could be free while in our earthly bodies then live eternally with Him when we no longer need these bodies. 

Jesus is the gift everyone should wish for and receive this Christmas and every day. 

Merry Christmas!  

6 thoughts on “Let Your Jesus Show”

  1. Love this and you! You are amazing and a great older (lol) cousin to look up to! Merry Christmas!

    1. First, thank you, and love you too! Second, I may be older, but let’s just clear this up a little- not by much 🙂 Thanks for reading! Merry Christmas!

  2. I’m looking forward to your book. Tell them to hurry! I remember growing up and saying my goal is to grow like Jesus. Still my goal! Yes, I see Jesus in you.

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