Last year in Tennessee everyone was issued a new license plate. New design, new color, and the option of “In God We Trust” on the plate.
It’s not the biggest “In God We Trust,” but it’s there. Well, on some vehicles. One day I was behind a car without the phrase, and it got me thinking. If their trust isn’t in God, then who is their trust in?
Themselves? That’s risky because we are human and can get ourselves into awful messes.
Others? Same thing—risky business. Others can fail us worse than we fail us, and leave us to fend for ourselves in the middle of a mess they helped make.
An idol? Another god? Everything else but the one true God?
I can’t ask them, but I am asking you. Who is your trust in?
Trust. Merriam-Webster defines it as, “Assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something.”
Assured reliance. Do we have that with anyone or anything? No. People and things are not 100% reliable, no matter how much we want to be or try. We are fallible.
But God is infallible. We see that if we believe the Bible and remember how He has cared for us in the past.
We have seen His character, strength, ability, and truth. We have seen His goodness and love for us. I have not met a single person who can outdo God when it comes to any of the above.
If you haven’t already, get to know God in a more profound, meaningful way. Read the Bible, talk to Him through prayer, and form a personal relationship with Him.
I call Him Father or Father God. Get to know Him better and you will see why I do. Trust is tricky. I’m not where I want to be, but as I walk through life with Him, I’m learning to trust Him more every day.
Til next time. . .
Words to live by. When we put our trust in God we are assured of Devine providence.
Absolutely! He knows better than we do because He knows the beginning to the end. Thank you for taking the time to read this.